Explore Careers

Explore Careers

Whether you know exactly what you want your next career move to be, or are not sure which direction to move toward, career exploration is key! Central PA CareerLink® staff can help you learn more about local employers who are hiring. Often when we think of a certain occupation, we automatically think of a certain industry, too. If you want a career as a bookkeeper, an accounting firm might come to mind, but our staff can also talk with you about opportunities available with advanced manufacturers or hospitals that our Business Solutions Team is working with to fill positions.

Similarly, if you’re open to ideas, our staff can share information so that you understand the occupations available in the local area, the wages you might expect to paid, how your skills might be a good fit, and training that’s necessary.

Career exploration is the start! Once you are equipped with the right information, you can set goals and we’ll help you determine the steps to meet them and ultimately become employed with a company in a position that is right for you and your family.

female nurse helping a young girl

Search Job Openings

PA CareerLink® online has thousands of job postings from Central PA employers looking for local talent. We encourage you to register today. You’ll be able to search those jobs based on location and keyword immediately.

By creating a PA CareerLink® online account at www.pacareerlink.pa.gov, you will not only be able to easily search for local jobs, but you’ll also gain access to state-of-the-art tools to help you in your job search. Resume building tools, new job alerts, job search tracking tools, skills assessments, and career exploration tools that you can use whenever you’d like are all available online.

Central PA CareerLink® staff are happy to assist you with your registration and accessing our vast online resources. Contact us so that we can learn more about you and your goals.